Motorcycle ABS Partnership (ASEAN)
A multi stakeholder partnership campaigning for the fitment of life saving motorcycle ABS crash avoidance technology in support of the UN Global Goals for Road Safety.
The rate of road fatalities in the ASEAN region is one of the highest in the world with riders of powered two and three wheelers accounting for the majority of these deaths.
Globally, powered two and three wheelers represent 29% of all deaths. Alarmingly this figure surges to 62% of all ASEAN road deaths, and in some countries in the region such as Thailand and Indonesia, rider fatalities can be as high as 74%.
Motorcycle ABS
Motorcyclists are especially vulnerable due to their lack of protection compared to car occupants. Crash avoidance technologies like motorcycle anti-lock braking system (ABS) can make a potentially life saving difference, increasing rider stability, reducing stopping distances and decreasing rider fatalities by more than 30%.
Every motorcycle sold that is not equipped with ABS is an opportunity lost to protect a life.
Despite the availability and effectiveness of motorcycle ABS, penetration of the technology in ASEAN has been low due to the absence of government legislation and consumer awareness.
Currently, Thailand and Malaysia are the only countries in ASEAN to mandate for motorcycle ABS to accelerate the uptake of the technology.
Campaign Objectives
To increase the fitment rate of motorcycle ABS in the ASEAN region by raising awareness of the benefits of motorcycle ABS and increasing consumer demand.
Advocating for EVERY ASEAN COUNTRY TO MANDATE motorcycle ABS (UN Regulation 78/GTR3) on all powered two-wheelers capable of travel speeds of 50km/h or greater.
The Motorcycle ABS Partnership (MAP) is a multi-stakeholder partnership which seeks to bring together a variety of public and private stakeholders aligned to the key objectives of the project for ASEAN.
A steering committee with representatives from each partner organisation will be formed to help guide the project direction and activities.
Project partners include:
AIP Foundation
Asian Development Bank
Asia-Pacific Road Safety Observatory
Bloomberg Philanthropies
EU-ASEAN Business Council
European Transport Safety Council
FIA Foundation
Global NCAP
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
Safer Roads Foundation
Stop the Crash Partnership